HVAC Efficiency
When you get a new HVAC system installed, efficiency will be one of the biggest considerations. Heating and cooling make up a large amount of energy use in any home. Investing a little more time and money in the beginning can lead to low utility bills for the duration of your HVAC system. Learn more about HVAC efficiency and how to keep your heating and cooling costs low.
How to Determine Efficiency
HVAC systems will come with an energy efficiency rating known as the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER). The SEER rating determines how much energy the unit uses to create the desired effects. The higher the SEER rating, the more efficient the unit.
The government requires HVAC units to meet a certain SEER rating. New units that meet a higher standard will receive an Energy Star certification and may qualify for additional savings in the form of rebates and tax credits.
Ductless units tend to offer better efficiency than units that transport air through ducts since those ducts allow for standby heat loss. Furthermore, split systems also increase efficiency since they give you the ability to heat a particular area of your home instead of the entire home, which requires more energy.
How to Save Money on Utility Bills
The best way to save money on your utility bills is to install a new energy-efficient HVAC system. Of course, there are ways to save money with the system you currently have.
Start by installing a smart programmable thermostat. You will have the ability to program the system to change temperatures based on when you and your family will be home. You can use less energy when at school and work and then restore it to comfortable levels when everyone returns home. Having it automatically programmed ensures that you'll never have to worry about forgetting to change the temperature manually.
Don't forget to utilize connectivity features. You will have the ability to control and monitor your HVAC system from anywhere using an app on your phone.
You can use home insulation to help keep your home as warm or cool as possible without impact from the outside temperature. New insulation, weather-stripping around windows and doors, and thick shades can help keep your home insulated.
Finally, you should consider setting the temperature a few degrees higher or colder, depending on the season. You may be surprised how much two degrees will make a difference in your bill without affecting your comfort.
To have a new HVAC system installed, contact a professional HVAC installation contractor in your area.