Investing In Upgrading Your Home's Air Conditioning
Replacing an air conditioning system is an expensive upgrade to a home, but it does not have to be a stressful ordeal for a homeowner to go through. Being thorough when preparing for this investment can allow a homeowner to avoid mistakes that could limit the effectiveness of their home's new unit.
Have All Of The Ducting Inspected
When you are replacing a current air conditioning system, it is necessary to verify the condition of the ducting. This may not be as noticeable as the mechanical unit, but it will serve a function that is vital for cooling the home. Unfortunately, the ducting will not be impervious to damage or malfunction. In fact, there are many ways that a home's air conditioning can be severely damaged. The most common cause of damage to the ducting in a home is due to moisture. When moisture gets inside the ducting and causes mold to form or the insulation to rot. In extreme cases, it may even corrode the ducting enough to cause it to develop punctures that could allow the air traveling through the ducting to escape. A thorough ducting inspection by an air conditioning company (such as Bowen Refrigeration) will be needed to determine whether the new air conditioning system would benefit from having the ducting replaced.
Avoid Assuming The Ground Is The Best Place For The System
A homeowner might think that their new air conditioning system will have to be placed on the ground around the home. While this is an option, individuals should be aware that there are some potential problems that can come with positioning the air conditioning unit on the ground. For example, units in these locations can be at much greater risk of suffering flood damage as a result of excessive rainfall allowing water to pool around the unit. Additionally, units on the ground may have to work harder to push the air into and throughout the home.
Balance The Size Of The System With The Needs Of The Home
Choosing an appropriate air conditioning unit for your home will require you to consider a number of factors. Unfortunately, homeowners can tend to assume that they should always install the biggest air conditioning system that they can afford. In reality, this can be a costly mistake as it could require far more energy than is needed to cool the home. Choosing an air conditioning unit that is designed to cool an area that matches the square footage of your home can ensure the house is kept comfortable without wasting energy.